Lowongan kerja Engineering and Technology – Game Engineer

  • Full Time
  • Jakarta
  • Posted 3 years ago

Kirim Lamaran. Belum punya akun? Daftar sekarang.

Lowongan Kerja
Lokasi Loker

Inti utama dari pengembangan platform Shopee adalah Tim Software Engineering. Tim yang terdiri dari para engineer dari seluruh dunia ini saling bekerjasama untuk membangun sistem terbaik dengan teknologi yang sesuai. Bukan sekedar menyelesaikan masalah yang ada, engineer kami juga berusaha membangun sistem yang tahan lama. Mereka tidak membatasi diri & akan berusaha menyelesaikan masalah sesulit apapun, walaupun itu berarti mereka harus menelusuri hingga dasar patform komputasi. Skala bisnis Shopee yang sangat besar dapat mengubah masalah yang terlihat sepele menjadi tantangan teknis besar. Jika kamu menyukai teknologi seperti mereka, tim ini adalah tim yang tepat untukmu!

Tentang Tim

Shopee Indonesia is searching for enthusiastic individuals to join the Shopee Gamification team. You will be involved in creating the end user experience, determining how player input translates to character control, transforming discrete animations to a movement system that flows, and bringing ideas to life.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Developing 2D & 3D Web Games using JavaScript / TypeScript based HTML5 frameworks
  • Frameworks include, but are not limited to Phaser3, Cocos Creator
  • Presenting ideas, concepts and design solutions to various stakeholders
  • Designing gameplay, as well as game features, with a view to deliver a strong player experience
  • Gathering and evaluating user feedback
  • Working together with designers and animators to bring games to life
  • Working with our front-end technology team as part of the game production process


  • Possess a Degree/Diploma in Computer Science, Engineering or related field
  • Graduates are welcome to apply, preferably with game engineer working experience
  • Highly passionate about games
  • Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and can articulate your ideas to different stakeholders
  • Enjoy finding creative solutions to problems
  • Pay strong attention to detail and deliver work that is of a high standard
  • Able to write game logic without relying heavily on frameworks’ API
  • Prior experience of working with camera, animations, AI, or game physics and making games with frameworks without a GUI editor
  • Experience in web development stacks is a plus